Thinking about tomorrow's entrepreneurs


The Imprendi Foundation – School of Entrepreneurship is a non-profit, cultural institution, which promotes the launch of concrete projects for:

  • the development of an entrepreneurial mindset
  • the encouragement of new entrepreneurship
  • the creation of environments favorable to the creation of new innovative businesses

Growth and new entrepreneurship

Italy needs new opportunities for economic growth. Economic growth requires innovation, entrepreneurship and new companies. In particular companies based on science, research and new technologies. Entrepreneurship is an asset for a country that needs to be continuously renewed.

Entrepreneurial ecosystems

The creation and development of efficient entrepreneurial ecosystems encourage entrepreneurial initiatives and promotes the permanence of valuable human capital in the country.

Entrepreneurial mindset and leadership

The future of work is increasingly linked to the acquisition of an entrepreneurial mindset in every sector and field of application. The educational system of a country, at all levels, has a fundamental role in spreading an entrepreneurial culture and in stimulating entrepreneurial behavior.

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“Not who begins but the one who continues”

Leonardo da Vinci
Theme adopted by the training ship Amerigo Vespucci.


We are active in 4 areas

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"A school for schools"


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